About Me
I’m John, a retired lawyer, sensei and spiritual teacher. This Substack is about what’s going on in you, in your life, and in your world.
Here I share a perspective on life and take an inner approach to both dealing with its demands and building something better.
The will and desire to do so wells up from within, stoked by a troubling sense of discontent that we can never satisfy, no matter how much we try. It flows from an ingrained need to be whole in ways we don’t understand and usually can’t explain.
But what we do know is there is always more, and something inside wants us to find it. Whether we want to or not, we eventually will. But eventually has no meaning for the seeker of a better tomorrow. Good thing, because we can speed up that process.
An unstated part of that seeking, left for us to discover on our own, is that there is only One, and that the sole reason for our existing is to do/get what we came for and take its essence with us on our way home.
Applied Spirituality
That process is how we travel the Spiritual Path, slowly dissolving the bindings of our illusions. It has certain practices and principles by which we can accelerate our journey. They are expressions of love and light and provide a valuable toolbox to navigate your life in a world in crisis.
These include:
following your inner voice
knowing yourself;
adding your contribution;
meeting your challenges; and last but never least
finding peace in your time, and creating more of it in your world.
I have written and spoken extensively on each over the years. Here you will find many articles and podcasts, each addressing a different component of these applications.
Please take whatever you resonate with and find valuable. And please, share it with a friend and invite them to awaken to their own journey home.
God bless you indeed.
~ John
Public Speaking
Need a speaker for your event or group? I offer thought-provoking and uplifting presentations to inspire audiences to make a difference in their world.
To know more about me and my offerings, visit my website: johndennison.com